
Paul Curtis


All The Christmas Saints And Angels

All the Christmas Saints and Angels
Work behind the scenes
To orchestrate the season
Like precision built machines

They make the tinsel sparkle
They make the music play
They fill out hearts with love
As we wait for the saviours day

All the Christmas Saints and Angels
Pulling the strings unseen
Their purpose is a simple one
To fulfil all our Christmas dreams

I Could Be Your Christmas Tree

I could be your Christmas tree,
Strung with tinsel and lit, brightly
You can trim me with ribbons and bows
Baubles and bells anything goes
I shall be greeted with gasps and wows
And you can hide gifts beneath my boughs
You won’t regret it if you buy me
So let me be your Christmas tree

Mother Christmas

The birth of Christ
Is the reason for the day
Santa Claus does his part
In his magical way
Rudolf and the other reindeer
Pull the loaded sleigh
Decorations and lights
Put Christmas on display
And festive songs and carols
Have a part to play
But it takes a mother
To make it a very special day

Visiting Santa

You have to wait in line
To see Santa, but that’s fine
It’s worth every minute of queuing
And the anticipation of viewing
Santa Claus with his big belly
Wobbling like a bowl full of jelly
And his fruity chuckle you hear
In the Christmas grotto each year
Then you get to climb onto his lap
And have your special Christmas chat
Then all too soon its time to go
And Santa gives you a HO HO HO

Christmas is a Time of Joy

Christmas is a time of joy
For every little girl and boy
All wishing for that special toy
That they can’t wait to enjoy

Christmas is a time of love
Given to us from the lord above
When we see with eyes of a dove
Christmas fits us like a glove

Christmas is a time for prayer
Christmas is a time to share
Christmas is a time to care
It’s also the time for festive fare

Christmas time is a special thing
A time to worship Christ the king
In his honour gifts we bring
And to the heavens high we sing

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